
Crimson Snapper (2023)

Lutjanus erythropterus

  • Grant Johnson (Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade, Northern Territory)
  • Fabian Trinnie (Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia)
  • Corey Wakefield (Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia)
  • Amos Mapleston (Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland)

Date Published: June 2023

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The Crimson Snapper is a demersal species for which several biological stocks have been identified across northern Australia, either through targeted genetic research or by assumed similarity to the stock structure of the related Saddletail Snapper. All stocks are classified as sustainable. 

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Stock Status Overview

Stock status determination
Jurisdiction Stock Stock status Indicators
Northern Territory Gulf of Carpentaria Sustainable

Catch, biomass

Northern Territory Timor, Arafura seas Sustainable

Biomass, fishing mortality

Northern Territory Joseph Bonaparte Gulf Sustainable

Biomass, fishing mortality

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Stock Structure

Crimson Snapper (Lutjanus erythropterus) is a widespread Indo-Pacific species found throughout tropical Australian waters. Research on the biological stock structure of this species in Australian waters has only occurred in northern Australia; including the Timor Sea, the Arafura Sea and the Gulf of Carpentaria [Salini et al. 2006]. A single genetic stock was found across this region. In addition to this Northern Australia biological stock, it is considered that the species has a similar biological stock structure to Saddletail Snapper (Lutjanus malabaricus), with a Western Australia (North Coast Bioregion) biological stock and a biological stock off the east coast of Queensland [Salini et al. 2006]. Saunders et al. [2018] used otolith microchemistry and parasitology to identify separate biological stocks of Saddletail Snapper in the Joseph Bonaparte Gulf, Timor and Arafura seas and Gulf of Carpentaria. It is assumed that Crimson Snapper have the same biological stock structure.

Here, assessment of the stock status is presented at the biological stock level for the five identified biological stocks - North Coast Bioregion (Western Australia), Joseph Bonaparte Gulf (Northern Territory), Timor and Arafura Seas (Northern Territory), Gulf of Carpentaria (Queensland and Northern Territory) and the East Coast (Queensland).

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Stock Status

Gulf of Carpentaria

The Gulf of Carpentaria Crimson Snapper stock is mainly harvested by commercial trawl operations within the Gulf of Carpentaria Developmental Fin Fish Trawl Fishery (GOCDFFTF – Queensland) and Northern Territory Demersal Fishery (DF). There is no reliable estimate of recreational, charter or Indigenous harvest of Crimson Snapper within this stock, however, harvest rates are considered to be low given the offshore distribution of this species. This stock was also targeted by foreign fleets from the 1950s to the 1980s [O’Neill et al. 2011] and harvest levels over this period were notably higher (peaked at 513 t). 

From 2016–17 to 2019–20, the GOCDFFTF reported limited fishing activities and annual Crimson Snapper harvests declined to < 1 t. Commercial fishing resumed in 2020–21 with operators reporting seasonal Crimson Snapper catches of 101 t (2020–21) and 118 t (2021–22). Gulf of Carpentaria catches in the Northern Territory DF have steadily grown over the last ten years, peaking in 2019–20 at 275 t, before falling to 93 t in 2020–21 and 58 t in 2021–22. The lower catches over the last two years are below the 10-year average catch of 96 t and are reflective of a decrease in effort in this portion of the fishery.

Harvest rates in the GOCDFFTF show considerable variability and, at times, reflect management changes in the fishery. In response to the increases in catch from 2002–13, the multi-species Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC) was significantly reduced from 1,250 t to 450 t [O’Neill et al. 2011; Leigh and O’Neill 2016]. In 2020, Crimson Snapper was transitioned to a non-transferrable ITQ and a 169 t species-specific TACC was introduced in response to MSY modelling. The TACC allocated was 6% of the MSY [O’Neill et al. 2011]. These catch totals are below the current TACC, which is considered conservative [Leigh and O’Neill 2016]. This inference is supported by fishery independent surveys conducted in 2021 which provided updated estimates of relative biomass for Crimson Snapper and other GOCDFFTF species [Knuckey et al. 2021].

A fishery independent biomass survey was undertaken in the Northern Territory in 2021. As a result of this work, the biomass of Crimson Snapper in the whole of the Northern Territory was estimated to be 54,828 t, with a coefficient of variation (CV) of 0.15, of which 21,000 t was estimated to be present in the NT portion of the Gulf of Carpentaria. [Knuckey and Koopman 2022]. Current catches represent < 1% of the estimated biomass. This indicates that the biomass of this stock is unlikely to be depleted and that recruitment is unlikely to be impaired. However, it is important to note that the survey is designed to obtain a time-series of consistent and robust relative abundance indices and due to uncertainties around assumptions of catchability, herding and escapement, this one-off estimate of absolute abundance should be used with caution [Knuckey and Koopman 2022]. Regardless, this estimate of biomass can assist in understanding the impact fishing has on this stock, with current evidence suggesting there is a low level of catch relative to biomass size.

On the basis of the evidence provided above, the Gulf of Carpentaria (Queensland and Northern Territory) stock is classified as a sustainable stock.

Joseph Bonaparte Gulf

Crimson Snapper harvest was first reported in this stock in 1988 and the average catch from trap and line vessels in the Demersal Fishery (DF) to 2011 was very small (average < 1 t) compared to the adjacent Timor-Arafura seas stock. From 2012–13 a trawler entered the fishery and catches increased to a peak of 99 t in 2019–20 before declining to 25 t in 2021–22. 

A stock assessment was undertaken for the Joseph Bonaparte Gulf biological stock of Crimson Snapper utilising a stochastic Stock Reduction Analysis (SRA) model. The results estimated that biomass was between 50% and 90% of unfished levels. This indicates that the biomass of this stock is unlikely to be depleted and that recruitment is unlikely to be impaired. The SRA outputs also indicated that the current fishing mortality was well below the level that could cause the stock to become recruitment impaired [Pazhayamadom 2023]. Overall, the SRA outputs indicates that the biomass of this stock is unlikely to be depleted, recruitment is unlikely to be impaired and the current fishing mortality is unlikely to cause the stock to become recruitment impaired.

A fishery independent survey was undertaken in 2021 to estimate relative biomass of key offshore species in Northern Territory waters, including Crimson Snapper. As a result of this work, the biomass of Crimson Snapper in the Northern Territory was estimated to be 54,828 t, with a coefficient of variation of 0.15. Within this, the biomass of Crimson Snapper in the Joseph Bonaparte Gulf stock was estimated to be 3,327 t [Knuckey and Koopman 2022]. The commercial harvest in this stock has averaged 70 t in the last 10 years, which represents a harvest fraction of around 2%. It is important to note that the survey was designed to obtain a time-series of consistent and robust relative abundance indices and due to uncertainties around assumptions of catchability, herding and escapement, this one-off estimate of absolute abundance should be used with caution [Knuckey and Koopman 2022]. Regardless, this estimate of biomass can assist in understanding the impact fishing has on this stock.

Based on the evidence above, the Joseph Bonaparte (Northern Territory) biological stock is classified as a sustainable stock.

Timor, Arafura seas

Crimson Snapper was one of several tropical snapper species that were heavily exploited in this region by foreign fishing operations from the early 1970s to 1990 [O’Neill et al. 2011]. Catches by this fleet peaked in the late 1980s at 783 t. Domestic harvest was negligible until 1995 when trawl operations began. Since then, catches from this stock have increased steadily to a maximum of 757 t in 2015–16 before declining to 340 t in 2020–21 as operator’s targeted effort in other stocks. CPUE declined substantially during 2000–10 but has significantly increased since then [Saunders 2020; Pazhayamadom 2023]. 

This stock was assessed using data up to 2022 using a stochastic stock reduction analysis (SRA) model [Pazhayamadom 2023]. Biomass was estimated to be 75% to 98.6% of unfished levels, well above the limit reference point. The above evidence indicates that the biomass of this stock is unlikely to be recruitment impaired. The SRA outputs also indicated that the current fishing mortality was well below the level that could cause the stock to become recruitment impaired.

A fishery independent survey was undertaken in 2021 to estimate relative biomass of key offshore species in Northern Territory waters, including Crimson Snapper. As a result of this work the biomass of Crimson Snapper in the NT was estimated to be 54,828 t, with a coefficient of variation of 0.15. Within this, the biomass of Crimson Snapper in the Timor, Arafura sea’s stock was estimated to be approximately 30,534 t [Knuckey and Koopman 2022]. The commercial harvest in this stock has averaged 410 t in the last 10 years, which represents a harvest fraction of < 2%. It is important to note that the survey was designed to obtain a time-series of consistent and robust relative abundance indices and due to uncertainties around assumptions of catchability, herding and escapement, this one-off estimate of absolute abundance should be used with caution [Knuckey and Koopman 2022]. Regardless, this estimate of biomass can assist in understanding the impact fishing has on this stock, with the low level of catch relative to biomass size indicating the level of fishing mortality is unlikely to cause the stock to become recruitment impaired. 

On the basis of the evidence provided above, the Timor-Arafura seas (Northern Territory) biological stock is classified as a sustainable stock.

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Crimson Snapper biology [DAF unpublished data; Fry and Milton 2009; Fry et al. 2009; McPherson et al. 1992; McPherson and Squire 1992; Newman et al. 2000; Fox et al 2021]

Species Longevity / Maximum Size Maturity (50 per cent)
Crimson Snapper Northern Australia: 42 years, 470 mm SL East Coast Queensland: 32 years, 790 mm FL Northern Australia: Males 270 mm SL, Females 350 mm SL East Coast Queensland: Females 485 mm (+/- 1.7) FL
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Distribution of reported commercial catch of Crimson Snapper

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Fishing methods
Northern Territory
Fish Trap
Bottom Trawls
Hook and Line
Hook and Line
Hook and Line
Management methods
Method Northern Territory
Gear restrictions
Limited entry
Possession limit
Spatial closures
Gear restrictions
Spatial closures
Spatial zoning
Total allowable catch
Gear restrictions
Possession limit
Spatial closures
Northern Territory
Commercial 493.36t
Charter 0.98 t
Indigenous Unknown
Recreational < 2 t (in 2019)

Western AustraliaActive Vessels. Data are confidential as there were fewer than three vessels in the Pilbara Fish Trawl Interim Managed Fishery (Western Australia) and Pilbara Trap Managed Fishery (Western Australia).

Western Australia – Recreational (Catch). Boat-based recreational catch is from 1 September 2020–31 August 2021. These data are derived from those reported in [Ryan et al. 2022].

Western Australia – Recreational (management methods). A Recreational Fishing from Boat License is required for the use of a powered boat to fish or to transport catch or fishing gear to or from a land-based fishing location.

Western Australia – Indigenous (management methods). Subject to application of Section 211 of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth), and the exemption from a requirement to hold a recreational fishing licence, the non-commercial take by Indigenous fishers is covered by the same arrangements as that for recreational fishing.

Northern Territory – Recreational (catch). Saddletail Snapper, Crimson Snapper and Indonesian Snapper catch were combined during the Northern Territory 2018–19 recreational fishing survey. Crimson Snapper was assumed to be a proportion of that catch [West et al. 2022].

Northern Territory – Charter (management methods). In the Northern Territory, charter operators are regulated through the same management methods as the recreational sector but are subject to additional limits on license and passenger numbers.

Northern Territory – Indigenous (management methods). 

The Fisheries Act 1988 (NT), specifies that: “Unless expressly provided otherwise, nothing in this Act derogates or limits the right of Aboriginal people who have traditionally used the resources of an area of land or water in a traditional manner to continue to use those resources in that area in that manner.”

Queensland – Commercial (Catch). Queensland commercial and charter data have been sourced from the commercial fisheries logbook program. Further information is available through the Queensland Fisheries Summary Report: https://www.daf.qld.gov.au/business-priorities/fisheries/monitoring-research/data/queensland-fisheries-summary-report 

Queensland – Recreational Fishing (Catch). Data are based at the whole of Queensland level and derived from statewide recreational fishing surveys. Estimates have been converted to weight (tonnes) using best known conversion multipliers. Conversion factors may display regional or temporal variability. 

Queensland – Indigenous (management methods). For more information see: https://www.daf.qld.gov.au/business-priorities/fisheries/traditional-fishing.

Queensland – Commercial (Management Methods). Harvest strategies are available at: https://www.daf.qld.gov.au/business-priorities/fisheries/sustainable/harvest-strategy 

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Catch Chart

Commercial catch of Crimson Snapper - note confidential catch not shown

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  1. Campbell, AB, Fox, AR, Hillcoat, KB and Sumpter, L 2021, Stock assessment of Queensland east coast saddletail snapper (Lutjanus malabaricus), Australia, Technical Report, Brisbane, Australia: Department of Agricultures and Fisheries.
  2. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development 2017, North Coast demersal scalefish resource harvest strategy 2017–2021, Version 1.0. Fisheries Management Paper No. 285, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Government of Western Australia, Perth, Australia. 35p.
  3. Fox, AR, Campbell, AB, Sumpter, LI and Hillcoat, KB 2021, Stock assessment of Queensland east coast crimson snapper (Lutjanus erythropterus), Australia, Technical Report, Brisbane, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.
  4. Fry, G and Milton, DA 2009, Age, growth and mortality estimates for populations of red snappers Lutjanus erythropterus and L. malabaricus from northern Australia and eastern Indonesia, Fisheries Science, 75: 1219–1229.
  5. Fry, G, Milton, DA, Van Der Velde, T, Stobutzki, I, Andamari, R, Badrudin and Sumiono, B 2009, Reproductive dynamics and nursery habitat preferences of two commercially important Indo-Pacific red snappers Lutjanus erythropterus and L. malabaricus, Fisheries Science, 75: 145–158.
  6. Haddon M, Punt, A and Burch, P 2018, simpleSA: A package containing functions to facilitate relatively simple stock assessments, R package version 0.1.18.
  7. Knuckey, IA & Koopman, M 2022, Survey of tropical snapper in Northern Territory fisheries - 2021, Fishwell Consulting.
  8. Knuckey, IA Koopman, M and Hudson, R 2022, Survey of tropical snapper in Queensland Gulf of Carpentaria Developmental Fin Fish Trawl Fishery - 2021, Fishwell Consulting.
  9. Leigh, GM and O'Neill, MF 2016, Gulf of Carpentaria Finfish Trawl Fishery: Maximum Sustainable Yield, Agri-Science Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland.
  10. Martell, S and Froese, R 2013, A simple method for estimating MSY from catch and resilience, Fish and Fisheries, 14:504–514.
  11. McPherson, GR and Squire, L 1992, Age and growth of three dominant Lutjanus species of the Great Barrier Reef Inter-Reef Fishery, Asian Fisheries Science, 5, 25–36.
  12. McPherson, GR, Squire, L and O'Brien, J 1992, Reproduction of three dominant Lutjanus species of the Great Barrier Reef Inter-Reef Fishery, Asian Fisheries Science, 5, 15–24.
  13. Newman, SJ, Brown, JI, Fairclough, DV, Wise, BS, Bellchambers, LM, Molony, BW, Lenanton, RCJ, Jackson, G, Smith, KA, Gaughan, DJ, Fletcher, WJ, McAuley, RB and Wakefield, CB 2018, A risk assessment and prioritisation approach to the selection of indicator species for the assessment of multi-species, multi-gear, multi-sector fishery resources, Marine Policy, 88: 11–22.
  14. Newman, SJ, Cappo, M, Williams, DM 2000, Age, growth, mortality rates and corresponding yield estimates using otoliths of the tropical red snappers, Lutjanus erythropterus, L. malabaricus and L. sebae, from the central Great Barrier Reef. Fisheries Research 48:1–14.
  15. O'Neill, MF, Leigh, GM, Martin, JM, Newman, SJ, Chambers, M, Dichmont, CM, Buckworth, RC 2011, Sustaining productivity of tropical red snappers using new monitoring and reference points, FRDC final report 2009-037.
  16. Pazhayamadom, DG 2023, Stock assessment of Crimson Snapper (Lutjanus erythropterus in the Northern Territory, 2022 - unpublished fishery report, Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade.
  17. Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, 2020, Reef line fishery harvest strategy: 2020–2025, Brisbane, Queensland.
  18. Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, 2023, Dashboard: Boat Ramp Survey Dashboard. Available at: https://www.daf.qld.gov.au/business-priorities/fisheries/monitoring-research/monitoring-reporting/boat-ramp-survey-program/dashboard (Accessed: 11 August 2023).
  19. Ramm, DC 1994, Australia's Northern Trawl Fishery. Fishery Report No. 32 to the Fisheries Division, Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries, Northern Territory Government.
  20. Ryan, KL, Lai, EKM and Smallwood, CB, 2022. Boat-based recreational fishing in Western Australia 2020/21. Fisheries Research Report No. 327 Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia. 221pp.
  21. Salini, J, Ovenden, J, Street, R, Pendrey, R, Haryantis and Ngurah 2006, Genetic population structure of red snappers (Lutjanus malabaricus Bloch and Schneider, 1801 and Lutjanus erythropterus Bloch, 1790) in central and eastern Indonesia and northern Australia, Journal of Fish Biology, 68 (suppl. B): 217–234.
  22. Saunders, T 2020, Stock Status Summary - 2020 Crimson Snapper (Lutjanus erythropterus) Timor-Arafura seas Stock Reduction Analysis. Unpublished Fishery Status Report.
  23. Saunders, T and Roelofs, A 2020, Gulf of Carpentaria Crimson Snapper Stock Status Summary - 2020. Unpublished Fishery Report.
  24. Saunders, T, Barton, D, Crook, D, Hearnden, M and Newman, S 2018, Stock/Management unit division in the Northern Territory Offshore Snapper Fishery. Unpublished Fishery Report.
  25. Sumpter, LI, Fox, AR and Hillcoat, KB 2022, Stock assessment of Queensland east coast red emperor (Lutjanus sebae), Australia, with data to June 2021, Australia. Technical Report, Brisbane, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.
  26. Teixeira, D, Janes, R and Webley, J 2021, 2019/20 Statewide Recreational Fishing Survey Key Results, Project Report. State of Queensland, Brisbane.
  27. Wakefield, C, Trinnie, F, Skepper, C, Boddington, Newman, SJ, and Steele, A 2023, North Coast Demersal Resource Status Report 2022. pp. 167–176. In: Gaughan, D.J. and Santoro, K. (eds.). 2023. Status Reports of the Fisheries and Aquatic Resources of Western Australia 2021/22: The State of the Fisheries. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth, Australia.
  28. West, LD, Stark, KE, Dysart, K & Lyle, JM 2022, Survey of recreational fishing in the Northern Territory: 2018 to 2019, Northern Territory Fisheries, Darwin.

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