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Get the Status of Australian Fish Stocks Reports on your phone
There are now phone Apps for both Google Play and Apple so you can easily browse the information in The Status of Australian Fish Stocks Reports (SAFS). These are the most comprehensive guide to how Australia’s fish stocks are going.
Just search SAFS Sustainable Fish Stocks in the Google Play Store (for Android) or the Apple App Store (for iPhone) now.
Specific Reports
Specific reports looking at different groupings
JurisdictionReports for each state or territory jurisdiction.
MolluscsMolluscs are invertebrate animals that includes the clams, calamari, squid, octopi and snails.
CrustaceansCrustaceans are a group of animals that include crabs, shrimps, prawns, lobsters and crayfish.
SharksSharks are a subgroup of cartilaginous fishes; usually large, fast swimming, fish-shaped predators.
FinfishFinfish are a vertebrate animals that have gills and live in water.